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What are Behavior Addictions? CanAm Interventions provides Interventions for Behavior Addictions, which are defined as negative actions and/or behavioral patterns that involve negative consequences by self-harm and/or harm to others.

The symptoms of behavior addictions can show up with similar characteristics such as;

  • Someone with a chemical dependency/addiction, but without the individual using drug and/or alcohol. An example of behavioral problems is a young adult acting out in school, sabotaging their family relationships, swearing, aggression and fixation on having control over everyone and anyone in their lives and mostly focused on the need to control outcomes of situations.
  • Persons with behavior issues put themselves in risky situations, developing other addictions such as gambling, unhealthy relationships, love addictions, clothing addictions, spending addictions, violent behaviors, and passive and aggressive behaviors.
  • Mostly behavior addictions come from not developing effective coping skills to deal with life stressors, emotional issues, and/or mental health diagnoses.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

CanAm Interventions can help. Call today. Giving the gift of love and making a positive connection is key for the treatment of Behavioral Addictions and seeking professional help.

  • The American Society of Addiction of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) definition of Behavior Addictions makes a departure from equating addiction with just substance dependence, by describing how addiction is also related to behaviors that are rewarding.
  • Information taken from: The Good Drugs – Not all addictions involve ingesting a substance. In fact, behavioral health problems can cause as much if not more damage to the health, finance, and livelihoods of those affected. Behavioral addictions occur when someone participates in an activity to the point where it negatively affects their lives, and they are unable to stop doing so.
  • The compulsion to do the activity gets in the way of the addict’s ability to sleep, work, or have meaningful personal relationships.

What is the definition Gambling Addiction? Compulsive Gambling, also called Gambling Disorder, works on a reward system much like drugs such as alcohol can, leading to addiction.

  • Many people enjoy trying their luck in a game of chance. There is a certain “rush” associated with the possibility of winning. When this behavior become compulsive and the gambler can’t control whether they want or need to continue playing, they are dealing with a full-blown addiction.

What is Food Addiction? Do you eat to live or live to eat? Not only do we need nutrition to keep our bodies healthy and functioning properly, but eating is a very pleasurable experience.

  • The sight, smell, and taste of food are all part of it. What and how much we choose to eat can affect the brain and is all part of the reason some people become addicted to it.


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