The leading experts in the field of substance use disorder treatment deliver the latest care modalities and evidence-based therapeutic methods.

  1. Principles & philosophies of interventions
  2. Framework of case management
  3. Ethics, laws and practices
  4. The influence of mental health disorders
  5. Coordinating and monitoring treatment
  6. Patterns and traits of addiction
  7. Mock case studies and breakout rooms

Intervention Practices

Interventions 101 Training Courses offer significant benefits for professionals in the fields of addiction, mental health, medicine, law, and emergency response.

Case Management

Interventions 101 provides a comprehensive overview of expectations, guidance on how to best assist during the intervention process, and introduces various resources and associations.

21 CEUs Certificate

The Interventions 101 training course introduces key terms and concepts, then outlines the necessary steps to attain certification for those seeking to become certified intervention professionals.

Intervention 101 Theory & Practices

Intervention 101 Presentations

Ryan Salter: EFT, Families & Patients

Keith Fierman: Intervention Experiences

Accredited Education:

Intervention 101 Training is a certified online three days course, providing 21 CEUs. It concentrates on intervention theory and practices, emphasizing the foundational principles, ideologies, and standard practices utilized in intervention and case management.

101 Training Highlights:

  • Intervention theory and practices
  • Addiction and mental health education
  • Working with families and individual clients
  • Case management, evaluation, assessment
  • How to work with resistance clients
  • Intervention practical experiencial cases

Words from Past Trainees

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