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CanAm Interventions has highly qualified professionals that has much experience facilitating Interventions for Prescription Drugs. Prescription drug abuse has become extremely common and has been for many years. There seemed to be trend of pain medications that continues to change in names over the years, but one thing self-prescribes prescription pills have in common one thing in common, called addicted. Maybe a person that starts start taking prescription drugs have them prescribe for valid reasons, the hard part is that pain medications and sleeping medications and or valium are highly addicting.

  • In fact, prescription drugs have caused many drug overdoses. Whether it is Oxycodone, Fentanyl, Valium, sleeping medications, stimulants, Methadone, and/or their withdrawals, prescription drugs can be extremely dangerous.

The National Institute on Drug Addiction estimates 9 million people use prescription drugs, and 100 Americans die each day from overdose to prescription medication.

We at CanAm Interventions have received calls from many Canadian and American parents in distress, sharing their stories of sending their son or daughter off to college with such excitement, only to find out later that their child has become addicted to prescription

  • Other studies are of overdose in elderly people, who tend to get many prescription medications for various medical issues related to aging. They tend to take too many pills, use too much medication for depression and many other issues, and accidentally overdose.

“When you do what you fear most, then you can do anything” – Stephen Richards You Will Succeed!

  • Another big issue surrounding excessive prescription pill use is pain management, which can turn into a long-term addiction. One of the biggest result of overuse of pain medication is that the person tends to become addicted to the drug.
  • When persons access treatment for prescription medication abuse – they will learn how to cope and manage their pain by working with addiction doctors.
  • In addition, there are treatment programs available specifically for patients with pain.

Many persons that become addicted to prescription medication does not plan to do so. Overtime, with overuse, a person that is addicted to prescription medication is much like the person that is standing on the street corner, waiting for the drug dealer to come, to get that “fix”.


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